
With TreVia’s solutions, retailers are able to provide convenient, preventative care for diabetes patients, resulting in loyal customers for life.

Recruit and support diabetic customers with preventative care

More and more patients are looking for convenient and accessible ways to address their health care needs.  Diabetics are particularly impacted given their preventative care, monitoring and other disease management requirements. With TreVia’s solutions, retailers can provide a new and convenient approach to the market – offering the patient less downtime, access close to home and convenient one-stop shopping to cover a multitude of needs. We can even provide a camera through our program, or we can integrate with a retailer’s existing camera.

From recruitment to retention, the retailer’s success depends on implementing services that are most effective and necessary for the diabetic patient, while at the same time ensuring there is coordinated care that’s fast and integrated with the patient’s care team.

TreVia offers instant diabetic retinopathy solution that is:

  • Easy to use
  • Takes less than 8 minutes to perform
  • Digitally transfers the images to a specialist for interpretation
  • Sends the results to the originating party and/or treating physician
  • Provides patients with access to their results
  • Can recommend specialists if a screening result turns up abnormal

Retain diabetic customers

Retailers can retain and access results for the life of the customer relationship. Results are available anywhere, at any store at anytime. Information is consistent and coordinates with the care team, helping to integrate the retail setting with the clinical care program. All of these features keep the customer engaged, with regular reminders and motivational messages available.